Monday, February 9, 2009


Setiap kali bermimpi
(Everytime I dream)
Aku menunggu datangnya kamu
(Im waiting for your back)
Setiap kali ku tahu
(Everytime I know)
Kau buat hati ku tersipu
(You embarrasshed my heart)
Walau Cuma sekejap
(Althought It just for a while)
Gelisah hilang, dan mungkin lenyap
(The worried escaped, and might be it lost)
Setiap kali terjadi, engkau membuatku terpana
(Everytime it happends, you make me interest to you)

Yang aku mau hanya dirimu
(What I want is only you)
Kau seorang
(Youre the only one)
Yang aku mau jadi milikmu
(What I want is to be yours)

You know that its true
Aint no body as I am crazy for you
Its all about you
Everybody knows that Im crazy for you
You know that its true
Promised you the world that go crazy for you
Its all about you
Everything you do makes me crazy for you

Tak lagi ku mencari
(Im not looking for (someone) anymore)
Yang aku rindu ada disini
(What I missed is now here)
Tak lagi aku sendiri
(Im not alone anymore)
Wajahmu terlukis dihati
(Your face painted on my heart)
Engkau matahariku
(Youre my sun)
Bersinar pagi, sinar malam ku
(Shining in the morning, my shine in the night)
Hati yang dulu biru
(The heart that was full of pain)
Kini tertawa karena mu
(Now smiling caused you)

You know that its true
Its all about you
You make me going crazy
Know that its true
Its all about you
You make me going crazy

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